Our Story

Great beer paired with great faith led us to start Noble Shepherd
Noble Shepherd Craft Brewery is owned and operated by husband and wife; Tony and Jessica Moringello of Macedon, New York. Tony and Jessica have three children, Samuel, Benjamin and Lucy whose names or actions have inspired some of the names of beers on tap.
Head brewer, Tony’s work previously as an executive chef lead to many of his inspirations for beer recipes. Growing up in an Italian house, Tony’s parents also educated him in influential ingredients and cooking techniques which started his ability to be creative with flavor in many dishes at an early age.
Tony has been home-brewing since 2012, the idea to start Noble Shepherd Craft Brewery, after a cooking competition fundraiser. Tony was asked to create a dish representing ingredients from France. Using that as a guideline Tony created a champagne-infused beer to pair with his dish. The beer ended up being the hit of the competition and people were coming up asking where they could buy it. With a demand for his beer and his gift to create drinks with unique flavors the idea to open Noble Shepherd began.
What’s in a name?
The name Noble Shepherd comes from a special place in our lives. The “Noble” in Noble Shepherd represents the beer that Tony researched and was first inspired to brew by; it is a beer made by Dog Fish Head Brewing Company named Noble Rot. This beer is created using grape musk that comes from the grapes that fall off the vine and cannot be used to make the wine. Noble Rot is one of Tony and Jessica’s favorite brews to this day! The “Shepherd” part of the name is significant in that while living on Shepherd Street in the city of Rochester Tony and Jessica discovered their faith in God and following Jesus as their shepherd is what has led them to this idea in the first place. Therefore, great beer paired with great faith led them to start Noble Shepherd!